How i make my recycled +
organic paints and paint brushes
my hand made paint is one of my price possessions. i took alot of inspiration for the idea after reading 'THE ORGANIC ARTIST by nick neddo'. this book is all about how to make your own charcoal, bamboo pens, quill pens, inks, clay vessels, paint brushes, pigments + paints and soooo much more.
during a whole term at college i had the opportunity to create a range of work and studies with my inks ad pens/ brushes. it was defiantly the most fun i had there. all this work also got to be apart of the galley show. as soon as i walked through the door. there on the walls was all my work i was so proud of. i'm not ashamed to say that for that one evening show i felt like royalty.
flower paint! somthing so easy to make and yet so increadably effective! this ink/paint had been such an aventure. i couldn't belive the range of colours and textures i got from making these.
these two pictures here give you a small amount of understanding of how i created them. what i would do is take my dyeing flowers, remove the petals and leaves (putting them each in to a saucepan). i would extract their colours by placing about a cup of water, 3 tbsp of salt and bring it to a boil. the salt preserves the the flower petals enough to slow down the decomposition of the flower. it will help give you a longer usage time for the ink, because unforchantly these inks will not last forever (so use them while you can!).
you can also see these two images of the same painting. the first one is photographed strait after it was painted. the second is when the paint is dry and
drawn over. i'm sure you will notice that the colour of the ink has changed once dried! i have no idea why! but i apsalutly love that it does! it gave me such an element of suprice to my work! ( of course i cheated and made my self a colour chart near the end of the project to help me paint for my final work).
i urge you to make your own paint! its such a fun challenge for yourself and it will help you experiment more!
makeing paper seems to be a very well known prosses noadays. for me i do it slightly diffent, becuase unike most people i use my paper as a texture insteed of it's useual function.
i hand blend my soaked paper becuase that way i can control the 'pieces' of paper. i like there to be big and small peises within my molch